Red Rose -->

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Greeting


Beneath the sodden leaves
Under frozen earth
She has waited;
Waited patiently
Dreaming of hyacinth days
Meadows waving in dances green
Fragrances awakening the senses
Ah yes, has she dreamed
Lilacs bursting
With charismatic charm
Waiting for the sunlight warm
Now, now she awakened
Yawning with breath so fair
The beauty the rebirth
Of Spring is in the air!

Nancy Ellen Crossland

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Little Ones

Little Ones

A distant howl is herd across the tundra,

The sound shaking the ground like wild thunder,

Wolves join in a chorus of joy,

For pups have arrived, great howls they deploy,

As the little ones come out to greet their first day,

Emerging to meet the pack, always wanting to play,

New scents, sounds, faces, and skills they must know,

For soon the alpha pair howl a warning, "Soon it will snow!"

Young wolf pups must grow husky and strong,

As the winters here, are cold and long,

The little wolf pups smile and giggle,

Small bones they chew on and nibble,

Not a worry in their hearts,

Not a worry in their souls, their lives just beginning to start,

Yet with the leaders these young ones have, wise and much alive,

Food will be plentiful, guaranteed, they will all survive.

By ©Brooke M. a.k.a. Spirit Wolf

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Irish Blessing

Irish Blessing

Lucky stars above you,
Sunshine on your way,
Many friends to love you,
Joy in work and play-
Laughter to outweigh each care,
In your heart a song-
And gladness waiting everywhere
All your whole life long!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mustang Sally

Mustang Sally

Mustang Sally, guess you better slow your mustang down.
Mustang Sally, now baby, guess you better slow your mustang down.
You been running all over town.
Oh! I guess you gotta put your flat feet on the ground.

All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride.
All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride.
All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride.
All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride.
One of these early mornings, I’m gonna be wiping those weeping eyes.

I bought you a brand new mustang 'bout nineteen sixty five
Now you come around signifying a woman, you won’t, you won’t let me ride.
Mustang Sally, now baby, guess you better slow your mustang down.
You been running all over town.
Oh! I guess you gotta put your flat feet on the ground.

All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride.
All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride.
All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride.
All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride, Sally, ride.
One of these early mornings, oh, I’m gonna be wiping those weeping eyes.

Wilson Pickett
(this version done by Joe Cocker)


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Old Misty Tree

The Old Misty Tree

The Old Misty Tree

The old misty tree stands all on her own
Watching and waiting, forever alone

Once she was young, just a century since
When children with joy, did laughter dispense

When lovers did meet with wine and embrace
Lay under her bows, shed shyness and lace

Yet now she has aged, grown hard and too cold
Seen far too much, with nothing to hold

Her limbs creek and rattle, her leaves flutter dry
Her trunk wide and gnarled, her heart full of sighs

Owls sit high upon her, in deepest of night
Birds nest in her crooks, red feathers a bright

Within her dank holes, squirrels snuggle sweet babes
Wild nature abounds in the cool of her shade

The years she has seen, the ages gone by
The sorrows she knows, the reasons she cries

She’s been there for many and seen them all die
She’s questioned and wondered and asked her God why

Why a tree must grow old, and stand through the years
When all else that sprouts must soon disappear

If only she could, she’d pass from this earth
Rest and then sleep while others are birthed

Yet stand she still must, till her time of release
When she too can find silence, darkness and peace

So know you know why, when you pass her by
Why her brown leaves weep misty, when the skies, they are dry

Tim Wilkinson & Wayne Wilks

Red Rose