Red Rose -->

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Desire’s Rise

Desire's Rise

Overwhelmed by

passionate sensations,

pulsating at the core

of her being.

Intimate longings,

imposing on her


She’s wanting him.


Fervent desiring,

permeates the thoughts

surfacing from

hidden depths within.

Rapturous awakening

yet, surprising in it’s


She’s wanting him.


To look into his eyes

And see his heart responding

To know he feels the same -

an inexpressible bonding…


But alas, ’tis not to be

Far too late their paths did cross

And those feelings must return

whence they came – she grieves their loss



  1. Such a sad image to go with a sad poem - well done!

  2. Thank you Jonie! I'm glad you like it!

  3. To long for the one you can't have would definetly be a difficult, if not impossible emotion to overcome. You captured it so well in you image. Also your image portrays passage of time with the golden hue and rays of sunshine. Maybe this subject, even though time has passed, never could overcome the emotion of such loss.

  4. Wow Preston! Thank you so much!! Have you considered writing poetry? Your comment has such a poetic turn to it!

  5. This is my first time here. This is beautiful stuff and poignant words to which I can relate. I love the frame around this image.

  6. Hi Burstmode and welcome to my blog!!! Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. I appreciate it!


Red Rose